Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

First Frost in the Finger Lakes is Magical !!!

Shortly after I moved to the Finger Lakes region last fall I stumbled upon the amazing spectacle of early morning frost in the region. Rising early and getting out into the frigid dawn was rewarded with some wonderful images! There were a few frost covered mornings that occurred over a period of two weeks before everything but the pine tree's had withered and old man winter had locked his grip upon the hills and valley's.

I eagerly anticipated the first frost window of opportunity to come again this year and took full advantage of the possibilities. You have to rise before dawn and arrive at your chosen locale quickly. As soon as the sun breaks above the horizon the frost quickly disappears. Usually you have about a half hour to try and capture the elusive frosty coating. These images are a small sampling of the results of my first frost safari's from last year and this year.

You can see more of my first frost images at